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Pastoral Support at Leigh St Mary’s

Supporting Pupils and Their Families

At Leigh St Mary’s, we understand that families and children might often experience difficult times, which can make life seem like an uphill struggle. When it comes to dealing with the challenges that home and school life can present, we have a wealth of knowledge and contacts, and are always available to offer support.

Guidance and Advice

Meet Mrs. Wilkinson, our dedicated Pastoral Manager. With many years of experience working in schools and with a family of her own, Mrs Wilkinson plays a vital role within our school; offering impartial advice, information and support to the families within our school community.

In her role as Pastoral Manager, Mrs. Wilkinson monitors pupil absence, attendance, and punctuality. She also has the important responsibility of supporting and maintaining the wellbeing of our pupils, parents and families.  The work that Mrs Wilkinson carries out within school is essential in helping us to ensure that any barriers to learning are explored and resolved as quickly and effectively as possible, and that all children are able to reach their full potential.

As a highly trained Pastoral Manager, Mrs. Wilkinson performs a variety of essential roles within school serving as a vital link between home and the school community.

Range of Support Services

Our Pastoral Manager can provide support with…
  • directing families to relevant local services.
  • helping parents to access Early Help intervention.
  • exploring reasons for pupil absence and persistent late arrival.
  • attending meetings with Social Services or other agencies.
  • supporting families with issues related to domestic abuse.
  • providing advice on promoting positive behaviours at home.
  • completing referrals for parent support classes around children’s behaviour.
  • conducting pupil intervention sessions such as Draw and Talk.

In Mrs. Wilkinson’s own words, “As a mother myself, I truly understand how important your child’s health and wellbeing is.   As Pastoral Manager it is my goal to build strong relationships with parents and carers so that together we can ensure every child is thriving. Please get in touch if you need support and together we can work towards finding a solution.”

Free School Meals

The past few years have presented numerous obstacles for our community.  We understand that many families in Leigh are facing financial difficulties, especially when it comes to providing nutritious meals for their loved ones.

If you are finding it challenging to afford healthy meals for your child, you may be eligible for free school meals.

If you need further support with the cost of living, or advice on how to access your local food bank, please follow the links below.

School Attendance

At Leigh St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School, we are dedicated to working closely with both children and parents to ensure that each child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

According to UK law, all children of compulsory school age must receive a suitable, full-time education. Once your child is registered with school, you, as a parent or guardian, hold a legal responsibility to ensure that they attend school regularly and on time. Failure to do so may result in you receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice or facing legal prosecution.

We encourage all parents and guardians to prioritise their child’s attendance to help them thrive academically and socially. If you have any concerns or need assistance with attendance matters, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

For further information on Attendance and Fixed Penalty Notices please click on the links below.

Additional Support

If you have any concerns, questions or worries about your child then please do not hesitate to get in touch.  We have supported families of all shapes and sizes, on a range of levels, and have a wealth of experience and expertise.  If you need support then get in touch with Mrs Wilkinson via the school office, working together can help often a sizeable problem feel a lot more manageable.

If you would like any more information on any of the above, please contact the school office.