Pupil Leaders

Leading the Way at LSM

Our Pupil Leaders

Every year in our school a very important vote takes place, the vote to decide who will fulfil the role of Y6 Head Boy/ Girl and Deputy Head Boy/ Girl.  

At Leigh St Mary’s C of E Primary School our Christian Values are present everywhere; resilience, trust, respect and kindness to name but a few.  Our Pupils Leaders must prove themselves to be exceptional role models and demonstrate their commitment to the school’s Christian values and ethos.

This is an exciting time for our Year 6 pupils and a lot of thought and hard work goes into the application process.

Head Boy

Head Girl

Deputy Head Boy

Deputy Head Girl

What Does it Mean to be a Pupil Leader?

‘Being Head Boy is all about using all your previous experience across school, I am very proud to represent all of those roles.  We like to inspire young minds to believe they can achieve anything they want to at LSM. We will always remember our experiences as Head Boy and Head Girl, when we get to high school and even when we are adults’
Head Boy
‘Being Head Girl is all about self-improvement, making yourself the best you can be to motivate others. Continuing the lessons of inspiration and confidence and making friendships to last a lifetime.’
Head Girl

Positive Aspects of LSM From Our Pupil Leaders

In their own words, the Pupils Leaders explain what they like about our school.

  • Our school provides everything we need to learn.
  • The teachers and our friends are really supportive.
  • Wide variety of learning resources and support to improve learning.
  • The opportunities you get throughout your school journey
  • Everyone puts their best effort into everything.

Our Pupil Leaders are proud to represent the school and have many ideas on how they can work together to make improvements.

Future Focus - Working to Make LSM Even Better.

The Pupils Leaders been working together on ideas for the future.

‘Wellbeing is very important and teachers and pupils understand that they can help each other.’

  • Physical wellbeing – We want to start a wellbeing club and are very keen to explore physical wellbeing in school.
  • Mental wellbeing – Creating calm spaces in school is important, we want to encourage children in school to express themselves in a calm way.

"It is important for the younger pupils to see the Head Boy and Head Girl as role models and think ‘one day I can be like them’, we want to be role models to inspire.’

Deputy Head Boy 

‘The best thing about LSM is our motto - Inspire, Believe, Achieve; you can be inspired to be Head Boy or Head Girl, you believe in yourself and then you can achieve it.’

Deputy Head Girl  

Our Diamond Champions

Our Diamond Champions are an elected team of Y6 pupils who have shown an excellent understanding of our Diamond Rules and have been given a variety of important roles within school. 

Meet Our Diamond Champions 2023-2024

What Does it Mean to be a Diamond Champion?

Each Diamond Champion has their own special role.  Here are some of the reasons why the Diamond Champions feel it is such an important job. 

‘We are role models in school and help the other children’

“It feels good to be a Diamond Champion because people look up to you and respect you more.’

‘It is important that everyone follows the Diamond Rules, everyone makes mistakes but the Diamond Champions are great role models to learn from.’

The Diamond Champions Think LSM is Great!

‘Our school teachers make every lesson fun.’

‘You can talk to Mrs Watson or Sue.’

‘You always have a friend if you need one.’

‘The school makes me feel safe.’

‘I was new in Y5 and felt very nervous but everyone made me feel welcome.’

‘There are lots of different sports – dance club, sports clubs, premier sports and after school clubs.’