Pupil Zone

Check it Out…!

Looking for advice?

Looking for games?

Looking for links?

…welcome to the Pupil Zone!

Something for Everyone.

Here on the Pupil Zone pages, you can find information, get advice or play games.  We’ve put together some great links, for pupils from Early Years right through to Y6.  We want every one of you to be able to access exciting activities that will help you grow, have fun and achieve amazing things.

What are you waiting for?… Check it out!

Get Involved

There are so many ways to become involved at LSM and to be the best that you can be.

Find out more here.

Are You Staying Safe Online?

We want to make sure you’re staying secure whilst having fun online.  

We want all the pupils at LSM to embrace technology. Devices are a great way make progress and learn, but we need use them in the right way. 

Learn some tips and tricks for online safety.  Check out the games and videos in the link below.

Join the Club at LSM

Join the fun and explore after-school clubs at LSM!

It’s not all about school work.  We offer lots of opportunities to explore your interests and let your talent shine.

Embrace the excitement!

At LSM we want you to be the best you can be. 

Inspire, Believe, Achieve – inside the classroom and beyond.

We’re on a mission to get you active, creative and in pursuit of your passions.

Whether it’s…

  • developing dance moves with Mrs. Ellison
  • discovering rugby talent with Mr. Bradshaw
  • playing dodgeball with Mr. Walker and Premier Sports
  • getting creative with Mrs Melling

At LSM there is definitely something for everyone. 

From archery and art club to choir and more, there’s a club waiting for you.

Leigh’s Stars of Tomorrow

Our clubs could help you to…

  • improve your confidence
  • get fit and healthy
  • make friends
  • learn a new skill

Maybe you have a brilliant idea for a new club?  Don’t forget to share it with your teachers, and let’s see if we can make it happen.

Over the past few years we have seen some amazing talent emerge, and who knows – our after-school clubs might just be the starting point for Leigh’s stars of tomorrow!

Want to Know More?

Take a look at some of the after-school activities at LSM.

Digital Learning Links

Safety First

Are You Staying Safe Online?

We want all the pupils at LSM to embrace technology, to use it to make progress and to learn, but we all need to know how to use it in the right way.  Your safety is our priority. We want to make sure you’re staying secure whilst having fun online. Learn some tips and tricks for navigating the online world safely, check out the games and videos in the link below.

Ask an Adult

Make sure to ask an adult if you…

  • have any questions
  • see something that you don’t like
  • feel a bit unsure

Staying Safe Online Links

Digital Learning Links

All Year Groups Recommended Reads

This is a great link for recommended reading in the classroom or at home.

Click here for lots of fun free books…

LSM Pupil Wellbeing Page

Taking Care of Yourself

This page is all about your wellbeing.  We want to make sure you can always find the help and support you may need.

What Does Wellbeing Mean?

There are lots of different elements that work together to make you feel good.

Let’s think of your wellbeing as a group of these elements… a Wellbeing Team!

Every single person has a Wellbeing Team and each team member has control of their own special area.

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

Taking Our Learning to Another Level!

Leigh St Mary’s C of E Primary School, where every child’s achievements are celebrated with joy.

LSM School Stars

At Leigh St Mary’s, we’re super proud of our students for their hard work and dedication in the classroom. From mastering maths problems to writing amazing stories, our pupils love to shine!


We do love books, but learning isn’t just about studying!

Our school is buzzing with excitement from all the fun activities our pupils take part in. Whether it’s scoring goals on the football field, making music in a band, creating art masterpieces or dancing up a storm, we want to know all about it!  You could be the inspiration for others!


We believe in embracing every child as a whole and supporting their dreams and aspirations. No matter who you are or what you love to do, you’re welcome at Leigh St Mary’s. All those characteristics that make you unique, are the very things that make you special, and we want to celebrate diversity both in school and at home. 


Our students are not just achievers, they’re also positive role models for others. Whether it’s helping a friend, showing kindness to others, or working hard to achieve their goals, our students inspire us all to be the best we can be.

Dream Big

At Leigh St Mary’s, we believe in dreaming big and reaching for the stars. Our motto, “the roots to grow and the wings to fly,” reminds us that with determination and hard work, anything is possible.

We want every child to spread their wings and soar to new heights.

Let’s make Leigh St Mary’s the place where every story of success is celebrated.